In some cases virtual MIDI ports are required to send and receive MIDI data between a plug-in and a host application or between plug-ins.
If you need any help or have questions, please feel free to contact us!
Virtual MIDI on Mac
The OSX operating system provides virtual MIDI ports natively and can be enabled by following the steps below.
Launch the "Audio MIDI Setup" application which you can find in the Applications > Utilities directory.
Open the MIDI Studio Window.
Double click the IAC Driver icon and enable the driver by checking the option "Device is online".
Now you can add, remove and rename Ports to your preferences.
Restart your host application. You should now be able to select your virtual MIDI ports within your host and within the MP3244 or SQ4.
Virtual MIDI on Windows
The Windows operating system dose not provide virtual MIDI ports natively. There are several tools which can establish virtual MIDI ports.
To name two often mentioned tools:
loopMIDI is our favorit, since it is well maintained and very easy to setup. Find below a quick setup guide:
Download and install loopMIDI: Download
Start loopMIDI and setup your virtual ports. You need one port for each connection.
To autostart your virtual MIDI ports you need to goto the traybar, right click the loopMIDI icon and activate autostart.
Restart your host application. You should now be able to select your virtual MIDI ports within your host and within the MP3244 or SQ4.